Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This is very kitch because pink bathrooms are something from the 40s to the 60s. The light pink is a little tacky and kind of seems like an old lady's bathroom. It's not seen very often today.

Found this after seeing a "save the pink bathrooms" site, but had to get the image off of Google images.



This scares me. I'd rather not talk about it.

Source: http://www.houzz.com/photos/329670/Blink-Ketchup---Mustard-Bottles-eclectic-food-containers-and-storage-


This also scares me. Let's move along, please.

Source: http://www.houzz.com/photos/359878/Face-Mug-eclectic-food-containers-and-storage-


A lot of these cereal boxes have funky fonts, that are somewhat handwritten and then just a little quirky or different than professional fonts. On the second "Rice Honeys" box there is the classic, random, somewhat odd face that is cut off. The first "Rice Honeys" box has a bee-like character that is highly kitsch because of the colors and the way it is drawn with a big head and a comical expression.



I put these two together since they're almost the same thing, and I wonder how they make a lab technician set more appealing to girls. It's just funny. Again, here we see handwriting and quirky fonts and idealized, happy kids. Very upright and seemingly perfect.

Source: http://pzrservices.typepad.com/vintageadvertising/vintage_product_packaging/page/4/


Sprite is my favorite soft drink, so I enjoyed seeing this. While the design is very simple, there is still the handwriting font along with bright orange and dark green, WITH a lime green on the can that usually would not be put together. To top it off, there is also a starburst for the dot of the 'i'. 

Source: http://pzrservices.typepad.com/vintageadvertising/vintage_product_packaging/page/4/


The "happy hair" font on this one screams kitsch. Again we have two incredibly bright, neon colors that still reside in places like Daytona Beach, Florida.

Source: http://pzrservices.typepad.com/vintageadvertising/vintage_product_packaging/page/5/


I'm calling kitsch on this one because of the Dutch type dress and the pink apron with the two weird pockets. The Dutch dress looks all right I suppose, but the pink apron is just ridiculous.

Source: http://pzrservices.typepad.com/vintageadvertising/vintage_product_packaging/page/5/


This is regular kitsch. Floating head; happy, yet rather weird expression; handwriting; a whole bunch of cheesiness; the usual.

Source: http://pzrservices.typepad.com/vintageadvertising/vintage_product_packaging/page/6/


This... this is definitely kitsch. It's just so cheesy. Just stare at it. Guaranteed to make you laugh. Well, for a lot of people anyway.

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulmalon/7012627857/in/faves-41589538@N07/


The famous leg lamp from "A Christmas Story." Tacky and downright hilarious. Kitsch.

Source: Google images - "leg lamp"


Lucille Ball's face is just frozen in an awkward manner. There's the handwriting and floating objects.

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/harald-haefker/7006402261/in/faves-41589538@N07/


A Norman Rockwell piece. Weird, yet funny, faces. Enough said.

Source: http://pzrservices.typepad.com/vintageadvertising/vintage_product_packaging/page/12/


Handwriting. Making it look stylized, somewhat like a comic book, and drawing excitement.

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulmalon/7037387267/in/faves-41589538@N07/


The Pixar short film, "Knick Knack," is very kitsch with the geometric and starburst wallpaper, along with the sunglass wearing, destination trinkets. The title logo is incredibly kitsch. It looks just like a tv program from that time period. 

Source: Pixar, YouTube


Pin up girl. Not really funny or anything, but I still consider it kitsch.

Source: http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2ogsdSgJ21r1w2dpo1_1280.jpg


I like how it's kind of referring to the speed of a tiger. At least that's what I think.



It seems like this kind of kitsch is acceptable to women in their 20s, I'm going to guess. Reason being, is because this is the kind of stuff you would see in a store that sells things to women in their 20s like Francesca's or Forever 21. Maybe not this exact pillow, but similar stuff. And apparently Urban Outfitters UK would carry this, since this is where it's sold. Okay, so for hipsters too. It's funny with a touch of classy. Actually, more like a grain of classy.

Source: http://www.urbanoutfitters.co.uk/pug-cushion/invt/5532438280003/&bklist=?cm_mmc=AffWin-_-Winter09-_-What+to+Wear-_-null


I actually really like the rainbow shirt. This is a picture of a South Korean singer in a boy band. South Korea is known for its fashion and I'm going to call this type of fashion kitsch, even though I really like this. This is my kind of kitsch.

Source: http://daismatron.tumblr.com/post/21209995263


Flamingo mopeds. Those people must really love flamingos. Or they're making a statement... about flamingos. Ah, who knows.

Source: http://keepinitkitsch.tumblr.com/


A random girl holding R2D2, a robot from the future, which is lovingly presented on an old-fashioned plate. Interesting.

Source: http://niintheskywithburgers.tumblr.com/post/21387376644/bizarre-plate


This is fun. No really, I mean it this time. It looks like a chair from a Dr. Seuss book. Fun little spin on a Victorian-esque chair. Doubles as a chair and a hanger!

Source: http://www.housebeautiful.com/decorating/colors/cactus-inspired-green-chair#slide-6


Aw look, it's Bambi! I think this is cute because of the colors and the different objects. It works well together, even if it does have a small deer on it. SO WHAT?! I like deer.

Source: http://keepinitkitsch.tumblr.com/post/19889298213/rebelandromance-so-cute-hand-made-jewellery-to


BIG MOUTH BILLY BASS! My family actually bought this for my uncle who loves to fish. I thought it was funny. I think I even was the one who said my uncle would like it and told my mom to buy it for him. Not sure how I feel about that statement right now.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Mouth_Billy_Bass

Even McDonald's can't resist the kitsch.

Source: http://www.murketing.com/journal/?p=4711


This is cool. It's just random. Fun stuff.

Source: http://www.houzz.com/photos/330590/Dropp--Bowl-modern-serveware-


Oh, her face... just makes me want to pick a broom and start sweeping! Who isn't that happy when they do house chores?

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/harald-haefker/7026286269/in/faves-41589538@N07/


That's attractive. I like watching people gargle with their mouths wide open. An eccentric hobby, I know. The people at the top are comical.

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-ray_delta_one/6887977790/in/faves-41589538@N07/


It's amazing how often the opposite sex is used to promote, well, just about anything. "So you're saying, if I use this blend, it'll be just like having five perfect women with me? Take my money!"

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/paulmalon/7037389091/in/faves-41589538@N07/


I think I know a few people who would do this to their car.

Source: http://www.thisnext.com/item/56C184B5/Carstache-Car-Mustaches


It's cute. I don't get the correlation between mice and mermaids though.

Source: http://www.yumsugar.com/14-Horribly-Tacky-Cake-Toppers-1576240



Duct tape dresses and suits. This takes skill.

Source: http://labho.com/steps-to-make-a-duct-tape-dress/


I don't understand why cleaning is such a fun thing! I feel better when my room is clean, but the process isn't rip-roaring fun. It's decently energizing at best.

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-ray_delta_one/6891684958/in/faves-41589538@N07/


The expression on King Kong's face is funny.

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/x-ray_delta_one/6891684958/in/faves-41589538@N07/


The face is one thing, but I don't understand the christmas tree beside it...

Source: http://shop.grantedclothing.com/collections/all/products/david-suzuki-1


What's with people's affinity for flamingos? I'll admit this one looks cooler than the moped.

Source: http://images.mymovies.ge/t/p/w1280/cdlzgQkWHjwhgAGN2tXsk3UpE0o.jpg


Yes please. Fan of Star Wars right here.



Oh goody! I didn't plan to see these two together, but I'm sure glad I did. An aluminum christmas tree next to the leg lamp. Can you feel the kitsch love?

Source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjNjy8B9Hf83eIRGdh0G4bbN2kwMulYGCiMifEHhK3VrqYx1h7gqb6KcFydtmBIEhadmcrg58tUe15_eZBMsRQ7PbtghjVEdRIPbCV9Sk1yKQAvR31v3kzcttwXafwf10bFfxk8PEPmVdg8/s1600/aluminum-christmas-tree-3.jpg


Feeling bad? That's ok. Hop on the tiger's back; sit, relax, take it easy. Laying on a tiger's back always makes things better.

Source: http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/4/78/852/78852620_large_sofatiger1.jpg

I had to add this one.

Source: http://www.liveinternet.ru/journalshowcomments.php?jpostid=187932808&journalid=3937288&go=next&categ=0


Very clever, but I really have to wonder how someone thought that scissors would transform into a woman's legs.

Source: http://eclecticsoup.tumblr.com/post/21215195072


Why? Why do they have jewels for belly buttons? Why are they naked?

Source: http://cdn.screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Troll-dolls-movie.jpg


Don't get me wrong, I like this, but I don't know what went through the mind of the person that created this. 

Source: http://eclecticsoup.tumblr.com/post/21210830243


I'd buy this. Really I would. The edges better be blunt though.

Source: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/holy-ceiling-fa-31321


I... I don't know. What reasonable correlation is there to these? Disembodied arms connected to purple bows? It's like earrings for serial killers. Female serial killers.

Source: http://tinklecheeks.tumblr.com/post/21157856884/just-bought-these-i-love-them


Jester. Jester = entertainment for a king, so a television set is entertainment for you (le king!) Smart advertising. :)

Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29533980@N05/7060515171/in/faves-41589538@N07/


Now that's a fun car!

Source: http://eclecticsoup.tumblr.com/post/20979246551


Oh... okay. I don't get it. Deer, baby with antlers, an egg, and chickens... Nope. No idea.

Source: http://ka-tron.tumblr.com/post/21424034206


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